domingo, 28 de junho de 2015

O que você pode fazer com suas embalagens vazias

DIY Plastic Bottle Rocket Power Jet-Pack

um pouco mais elaborado

homemade (with soda bottles) rocket pack. AWESOME

DIY Plastic Bottle Napkin Holder

Small mannequins as jewlery holders :-) Gloucestershire Resource Centre

reused-plastic-recipients 1

reutilizados-plástico-recebedores 3


DIY Plastic Bottle Mobile Phone Charger Holder

fácil reutilização de embalagens de plástico, suporte para recarga de celular.






Shampoo Bottle Monstro do lápis

plástico -art idéia-

DIY Plastic Bottle

Cómo hacer cajas de regalo con botellas de plástico - how to make gift boxes out of recycled plastic bottles
DIY: Lunchbox Container from a Milk Jug

Skeleton made of milk jugs

milk jug skeleton

DIY: watering can

Repurposing: Plastic Milk Cartons.  Cut milk cartons so one fits into another. Use for anything you need quick sort and organize and stack. These are 1/2 gallon containers, one cut to 3 1/2 " tall and the other one to 4 1/2 " tall.  To get straighten cut lines, put the carton into a drawer the height you want to mark the carton and use the drawer edge to hold the pen as you turn the carton.
Sencilla #reutilización de #residuos de tapones

Ricicliamo i TAPPI .

Make an ice cozy for a bottle of vodka | These Life Hacks Will Get You Through This Disgustingly Hot Summer

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